About the product:
....we are talking about a battery much lighter than batteries today able to be charged up to 100%
and discharge down to 0% within 6-100minutes and last for more than 100.000cycles with
the same storage ability without any degradation.
Today there are many types of batteries. However, in addition to batteries that store energy chemically with various liquids and electrolytes, there are also mechanical ways of storing energy.
Mechanical energy storage is the most widely used worldwide for large-scale applications because it flexibly converts and manipulates stored energy when it needs to use it and has a much longer lifetime than electrolyte batteries. Mechanical energy storage can also be done through an electromechanical battery or flywheel battery. Known internationally by the acronym FESS (Flywheel Energy Storage System).
The flywheel battery (FESS) is essentially a mechanical energy storage device, acting as a kind of "mechanical battery". It is a mass that rotates around an axis and performs circular movements. Electromechanical battery stores energy in a mechanical way, keeping it as kinetic energy. Their operating principle is based on the absorption of external electrical energy and its conversion into kinetic energy through a high-speed motor. Kinetic energy is conserved by spinning the flywheel at high angular velocities, then they reverse the process, converting the kinetic energy into electricity, using the same motor as a generator.
Flywheels are emerging as one of the most promising technologies to replace conventional batteries, especially in the field of energy storage systems.However, this construction has particularities that make it difficult for it to be mass marketed.
This flywheel should be made of a material that can withstand centrifugal force so that it can store a lot of energy per kilogram of material, i.e. it has a high energy density. Also, it should be in a vacuum so that its surface does not have friction with the air and heats up but also has losses. And finally, it should be suspended in magnetic or electromagnetic bearings i.e. in a magnetic field so that it does not have any contact and friction as it happens in normal bearings. In this way we will have the perfect battery that can be charged and discharged in a very short time and last for more than 50 years with minimal maintenance.
So, we are talking about a battery much lighter than batteries today able to be charged up to 100% and discharge down to 0% within 6-100minutes and last for more than 100.000cycles with the same storage ability without any degradation.
Designed 4 different innovations combined (under pattent pending procedure)
What are the innovations of our own electromechanical battery?
1. It is configured to accept a magnetic coupling from the crank to the motor which can transfer high speed rotation up to 100.000rpm with high torque due to having automatic mechanical lock (pattent pending)
2. It has a special mounting base with integrated motor support which allows the flywheel battery to be detached for its replacement. (our pattent)
3. It has slots for specially designed magnetic bearings. (our pattent)
4. It has a special ring around its circumference so that it can be screwed to an external base (our pattent)
5. it has a special base which is a gyroscopic mechanism of 2 axes, in order for the flywheel battery to be able to operate safely inside a truck or a ship. (our pattent)
This is the only flywheel battery which can be installed in cars, ships and in seismic areas.
This is a huge worldwide market with value estimated at 21 trillion euros for the next 10 years
This project is the creation of our own state-of-the-art manufacturing unit to produce the first widely used electromechanical battery.
We estimate the tolal funds needed are 2million euros. Over 70% of these funds will be converted into real estate and fixed assets, all of which I will build with the workshops I am in contact with or import directly. For this reason, the commercial value of real estate and fixed assets will be more than 100% of the capital, thus securing the investors' capital.
The size of the achievement will be great, because we aim to make the first widely used electromechanical battery, which will have a lifetime of at least 50,000 cycles, is neither explosive nor flammable and is made of fully and easily recyclable materials unlike batteries of lithium which is very expensive to recycle. The market we are addressing has a size of over 21 trillion euros for the next 10 years. Covering only 0.5% of the market's needs means a turnover of over 100 billion euros per year on average!!! Yes. We are talking about so much money. That's how big our market is.
We are saving millions of tons of waste every year and we decrease CO2 emissions globally
By 2035 30% of ships must have electric propulsion at least when entering and leaving ports. This has been planned because contamination in ports from incoming ships has reached dangerous levels.
This is a huge market that we estimate amounts to 15 trillion euros over the next 10 years. Also, lithium batteries are flammable and cannot be put on a ship. An electromechanical battery, however, will be harmless and therefore ideal for such applications.Also there is a big problem with solar parks which have spread everywhere but have a serious drawback. They produce energy from 10.00 in the morning until 4.00 in the afternoon, while the major household consumptions are in the morning 7.00-9.00 when people are getting ready to go to work and want heating and hot water and from 5.00-9.00 in the evening when people turn around from their work and need light and heat. During these hours the photovoltaics do not produce.
This problem of photovoltaics producing energy at times when the people do not need it, creates the urgent need to store energy, and that is why a race to build energy storage units has begun. But these units with conventional technologies will use lithium batteries which are harmful.
The skyrocketing demand will create a shortage of lithium in the market and send prices skyrocketing, and the problem of recycling batteries will worsen, while the life of these batteries with daily discharges is about 8 years. This means that a photovoltaic park needs at least 3 sets of batteries during its lifetime, while an electromechanical battery can last for 50 years, covering the 25-year lifetime of a park and in addition can be transferred to a next future park!.
A 1MW park needs 2MWh lithium batteries 3 times during its operation. In other words, it needs 6MWh that weigh about 45 tons that should be recycled or thrown away. An electromechanical battery saves these 45 tons of waste and as many others in the next 25 years of its operation! These are only for 1MW park. For the parks that exist today and should be equipped with batteries to store energy, we are talking about millions of tons of waste.
We just need a R&D base with fully equipped autonomous machine shop with chemical lab
We will need a complete research and production center consisting of:
1. fully equipped machine shop, with the latest technology machines which are:
a) CNC press brake,
b) CNC fiber laser cutting machine,
c) CNC rolling machine,
d) CNC 5 axes lathe,
e) CNC Vertical Machine Center.
2. chemical laboratory with a clean room of at least 25 square meters with complete equipment,
3. spectrograph
4. electron microscope
5. Neodymium magnetizing machine.
6. Large capacity vacuum furnace
7. a 5bar high pressure nitrogen atmosphere furnace
8. Special test apparatus for resistance of materials to centrifugation,
which is not commercially available and will be manufactured by us.
9. High pressure carbon fiber knitting machine.
10. Fiber making machine
11. Building of 1200 square meters for the installation of the unit and staff members
12. Salary of 8 workers and scientific staff for the first 18 months, until production starts.
13. Computer network with CAD CAM program
14. Staff training
15. Private power generation substation for autonomous operation
All suppliers for these machines have been found after months of research. With this equipment we will have in our hands, one of the most integrated research, development and production units in the world and this is my dream and a necessary stage to achieve the construction of the first disposable electromechanical battery.
This is high proffit investment opportunity.
Our target is 3 billion euros within 10years for only 2.000.000€ funding,
if only we sell to the 0.5% of the worldwide market!
I invite you to participate actively in this course where your discernment and will, will be crowned with success.
The funds we need are from €800.000 to €2.000.000.
The more funds we gather, the fastest we can produce products.
What we give for this amount of €2,000,000 we need for funds is 20% of the profits from worldwide sales. I would not like to analyze numbers, but if we aim for an average annual turnover of 100 billion euros within 10years (0.5% of the 21 trillion euros world market) with a 15% net profit percentage, we are talking about 15 billion profit and 20% corresponds to 3 billion euros!
We are talking about 3 billion euros within 10years for only 2.000.000€ funding, if only we sell to the 0.5% of the worldwide market!
According to the above if you invest only 100€, you expect up to 150.000€ within the next 10years.
In fact if we cover the 1% of the market, the profit will be 300.000€, but also if we do not succed and cover only the 0.05% of the market the profit will be 15.000€.
In reality, we are expecting nothing less than a profit of 10.000€ - 300.000€ within 10years for every 100€ of invested funds!!!
Why do we give you so much? Because we need your participation and the "pie" is big enough for all of us.
If others besides us can benefit financially, we have no problem, and we would like that indeed. After all, our financial needs are very small. Everyone talks about money and capital, forgetting how temporary all these are. I'm talking to you about a dream I've had for years now, but because even dreams in this world cost money, that's why I'm addressing you as well.
High profit does not mean high risk. Actually risk is almost Zero.
In case you invest in us, one question will come in your mind: "what will happen to my money if something goes wrong?" The good thing about this project is that
1. We can start project gradually even with 10% of funds!!!
2. A significant majority of funds will go into real estate and fixed assets and only a much smaller portion will go toward payroll for the first 18 months. This means that the resale value of the now ready unit will exceed €2,000,000.
3. ATLAS has other projects and products that it markets (Batteries, photovoltaics, wind turbines, etc.) and the production unit will also undertake other tasks, so that in any case it will have income at the same time.
Due to the above 3rd characteristics, we can also guarantee you with the company's assets in real estate and fixed assets the payment of your funds and other such profits. If you don't get your funds back twice within the first 18 months, then the project is considered a failure and the sale of the company begins, so you all get paid. The financial and accounting data of the production unit will be on a webpage that only investors will have access to.
We recommend this project to you because according to our studies the probability of failure of such a unit to raise funds is zero and because the success of the electromechanical battery is a given.
We know there are many people asking for your money. Before you rush to judge us, read carefully what we write and try to understand our real motives behind this investment. We combine product manufacturing and marketing with my activism if you read above. Our new company, through which I will run this program, ATLAS ENERGY AUTONOMY LTD in the UK, is fundamentally activist.
Tell your relatives and friends about us and invest with us.